Monday, June 4, 2012

Rush Reunion_2012

Family Picnic
By Dolores J. Rush

Mother on a summer day
Put on her apron of gingham gay
Cooked a dish of home-dried fruit
And pressed her husband’s Sunday suit.

Washed the dishes, made the bed
Boxed up fried chicken, loaves of bread
A cake or pie, the butter and jam
Deviled eggs and a bit of ham.

She tied up the dog and fed the cat
Gathered the kids; their ball and bat
Grabbed lawn chairs; a quilt to sit on
Directed daddy to load the wagon.

Putt, putt to the picnic at the park
To see grandma and grandpa, cousin Fred, until dark
To have a bit of frolic and bunches of fun
To splash in the pool and roast in the sun.

Mother brought her latest project, a recipe or two
To share with her sisters and cousins too
A snippet of fabric; a start of a houseplant,
School photos to dole out to all great-aunts.

Mother had a delightful time; a visit with the folks
Her family’s day ended on a gentle note
Full of happy memories; good food; tired bodies too
They couldn’t wait till next year to begin anew.


  1. I love your knack for poetry Dolores! Although I've never been to a family reunion (our families never believe in them I guess) this brings back a lot of childhood memories of neighborhood church picnics and/or the old time "box suppers"! Thanks for was FUN😘

    1. You are most welcome, Princess Sister in Christ! :)


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