The Ancient Ones
By Judith Wilson.
Used by permission.
It was embarrassing when your own parent got
Up on Wednesday night and testified.
But it was worse when some of the
Real ancient saints got up and cried
Or shouted or waved their hankerchiefs.
We pretended we didn’t hear what those ancient,
Glowing saints said, but we heard . . . and later
The Holy Spirit called their praises of Jesus back
To our remembrance.
It was their steadfast witness. . .
Their genuine spirits of praise . . .
Their lives which were above reproach
That made their words stick . . .to
Later be remembered in times of trial. . .
Need . . . or discouragement.
They were special . . .
And I miss
Hearing from God’s saints
Whom Your light
Had shone through.
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This poem reminded me of Great-Aunt Minnie. She was an “Amen” sister in the “Hallulejah Chorus” at Eldon Church of the Nazarene. We greatly miss her. For a little while.